Friday, March 23, 2012

Natural Hair Spa: 6 ways to tame dry frizzy hair

The best things in life are free....for those that are not free...the best things in life serve multiple purposes. Like the pair of black pointed toe heels that go with a suit or skinny legs. Or your favorite blazer that adds that extra 'umph' to any outfit. Lucky for us hair fanatics our kitchen serves a multiple purpose in nourishing our body's and hair!

Here are some delicious recipes to help tame naturally dry and frizzy hair:

1. Castor Oil and Olive Oil

Prepare a deep-conditioning mixture for your lifeless locks. In a bowl mix 2 tsp of Castor Oil with 1 tbs of olive oil and 1 egg yolk. After you've obtained a fine paste apply to your locks. 

Then cover your strands with a plastic wrap. Leave the treatment overnight or at least an hour for quick and amazing results. Rinse off the mixture with a tiny amount of shampoo and tepid water.

2. Nut Oil and Lemon Oil 

Restore the fine and glossy texture of your hair with this simple treatment. In a bowl mix 2 egg yolks with 1 tbs of nut oil and 1 drop of lemon essential oil. 

Massage this hair pack in your locks and scalp then cover your hair with a warm towel. Leave the mixture on for 40 minutes then wash it off with lukewarm water and a few drops of shampoo.

3. Avocado and Wheatgerm Oil

Massage deep-conditioning treatments in your locks to have strong and healthy strands. Use a blender to mix 1 egg with ½ peeled avocado and 2 tsp of wheatgerm oil. Spread the treatment uniformly all over your tresses and leave it on for 30 minutes. Remove the traces of the nourishing mask with a few drops of shampoo and tepid water.

4. Corn Flour and Tomato Juice

Pamper your frizzy locks with an efficient and nourishing treatment. In a bowl mix 1 tbs of corn flour and 1 glass of organic tomato juice. Apply the hair pack on your damp locks and cover your head with a towel. After 30 minutes rinse off the treatment with tepid water and a tiny amount of shampoo. Repeat this hair care ritual twice a week for quick results.

5. Pear and Apple Cider Vinegar

The following hair treatment recipe guarantees the soft and silky texture of your locks. Use a blender to mix a medium sized pear chopped into tiny pieces with 2 tbs of apple cider vinegar and a tiny amount of water to prepare an easy-to-apply paste. Spread the mixture all over your locks and leave the treatment on for 20 minutes. The last step is to wash off the hair pack with lukewarm water.

6. Soy and Water

Mix 7 tsp of soy with 1 glass of warm water and apply the mixture on your wet locks. Leave the hair pack on for 10 minutes then rinse it off with tepid water. Soy is rich in protein a nutrient which can restore the voluminous and healthy texture of your locks.

*tepid water- moderately warm or lukewarm water


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