Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Natural But straight moments? You know the time when part of your hair is natural and the other part straight.

The transitioning period is what I call the "Natural but straight moments"…..its the time when a portion of your hair is chemically relaxed/permanently straighten and a portion is kinky curly. So you wash your hair and you have a spiky looking kinda fro. At this point your frustrated and you feel like slapping a jar of relaxer on that thang or contemplating the big chop. I am here to tell you to "Stop and Step away from the perm". Move closer to the mirror to get a better view of those roots. LOOK how beautiful they are and imagine your hair being completely natural and healthy. One day you'll be able to rock the hottest natural hair styles and your hair will thank you by being strong and shiny. In the meantime to keep your hair looking tight we suggest flexi rodding or two strand twists.

Flexi rodding is an inexpensive way to keep your transitioning hair at it best. This style requires minimal maintenance and it should last at least two weeks. You will need a set of flexi rods (which can be found at Target, Walmart and any hair store), Setting lotion (I prefer Motions foam wrapping lotion) and a hooded dryer. There are tons of you tube video tutorials on Flexi Rodding. 

 Two strand twist is also an inexpensive way to keep your transitioning hair tight. This style requires minimal maintenance and should last at least two weeks. You will need styling gel (I like the Eco styling gel or IC Fantasia (Olive Oil)) and a hooded dryer. To give your strands a curly look after twisting you can add flexi rods to the ends. There are tons of you tube video tutorials on Two strand twists.

During the transition period it is important that you stay away from applying heat to your hair as much as possible .i.e flat ironing. Hair is 91% protein and because of this over processing the hair by using heat changes the structure through a process called denaturation. Denaturation changes the structure of your curls by permanently straightening the hair. Even though your hair may be natural (that is not chemically processed) it is straight due to heat damage. Flat ironing your hair slows down the process of you becoming  the Kurlee Diva that I know is within you.


  1. Thanks for the bad hair day tip. I will try

  2. I am glad you liked it Jenelle. You can also visit our facebook page. Just type in Kurlee Belle in the search box and it should come up.


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