Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Hair Twirling & Hair Loss

Most women are guilty of it whether conscious or not. Hair twirling, pulling or stroking can be a habit when you're thinking, flirting or conversing. Whatever triggers your need to twirl it can result in trichotillomania which is a self inflicted hair loss condition.

Being an habitual hair twirler, I decided to track my sudden impulses. To my surprise, I discovered the area that I twirled the most is thinner than other parts of my hair. When twirling my curly locks, I tend to reach for hair at the center to the top of my scalp. This particular area has less hair per square inch than the sides and back of my hair. 

Self inflicted hair loss does not only result from hair twirling.  Weaving (sew-ins), braiding, twisting or brushing can all aid in this process. Basically any activity that results in constantly disturbing the tresses. Being Naturalistas, we have to be extra careful with our tresses because we tend to style our hair more than usual. In a recent poll on, I asked the question, "How many times per week do you style your hair?" More than 70% of the respondents styled their hair daily. I don't want to be the bearer of bad news but remember too much of anything isn't good (with the exception of love & money--->joke). If you style your hair daily, try styling every two days. When twisting, braiding, brushing or detangling take your time and try not to pull too hard on the hair shaft. Always remember moisture is key to healthy hair!


  1. That makes sense. There's a small section near the nape of my neck that I always mess with when I'm tired. It's not noticeably shorter, but it isn't as curly as the rest of my hair. I try to be aware of messing with it.

  2. This is nice blog and unique information related to Hair growth.Thanks for sharing such information.


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