Have Fun with Your Hair!
A great leave-in conditioner, is the key to a soft, bouncy curly fro.
After hair is detangled, separate into small to medium size twists. For added definition, feel free to use a styling product (
Kurl Defining Creme) in particular a creme to add lasting definition to the twists.
-After all sections are neatly twisted, apply flexi rods. Your hair's length will determine the size of the flexi rods you use. The smaller the rods, the smaller the curl, vice versa. For large curls, use jumbo flexi rods.
(Twisting Tip: For best results, twists all sections of hair in the same direction or the direction of your curl pattern. When I twist my hair, I twist all sections away from my forehead. Twisting all sections in one direction will give your curls a unified look.)
Flexi Rods |
-Apply flexi rods to individual twists. When rolling the twist onto the flexi rod, roll in the direction that the hair is twisted. If you twisted all hair moving away from the forehead then you should apply your flexi rods moving away from the forehead. This step is very important as it will not disturb the curl pattern but will enhance your look.
TIP: When rolling twists onto the flexi rod, you will start with the ends first. Try to get the twist to lay as flat as possible on the flexi rod, especially the ends of the twist. Wrap the ends of the twist around at least twice to make sure the twist is secured onto the flexi rod (the ends are the most critical part of this style as this is where definition will be most apparent, so you want to make sure the ends lie flat and tucked for the perfect curl). Once the ends are tucked flat around the flexi rod, begin to move up the twist to the root, placing the twists in a circular motion around the rod. Once at the root, bend the flexi rod in place, wherever it feels comfortable. Repeat until all twists are attached to flexi rods. Using the flexi rod with twists will stretch out the hair, for an elongated look.
Sit under hooded dryer or let hair air dry. Once hair is completely dry, use a light oil like
Kurlee Tropical Oils Blend, to unravel the hair off of the flexi rod. Rub oil onto hands and take down rods then unravel twists. Using the oil, will reduce frizz and add shine. For a fuller or wilder fro, separate twist again after unraveling the first two strands.
TIP: To create a fuller fro, use an afro pick at the root of the hair, coming up about two inches up. The afro pick will ruffle the hair so that any parts or sectioning is not visible. You can also use your fingers to rub along the scalp to close in any areas where parts or sectioning is visible.
This look is perfect for medium to long length hair. To prolong the life of your curly fro, you can re-twist at night and sleep with a satin bonnet.
Have You Tried This Look? Any Tips?
Do you have a look you want to try but don't know "How To" achieve? Send a photo to info@kurleebelle.com--> Subject: How To.